Looking for a fintech internship?
Are you looking to get practical experience working for a financial technology startup?
Curious about working in one of the fastest growing sectors today?
Want to work in a sector known for being disruptive and innovative?
Why you should do you a fintech internship
Over $52 billion in investment pours into fintech initiatives annually, according to estimates.
The growth of new technologies is ushering in a new era in finance.
Fintechs are at the forefront of a trend to make financial products accessible to all
Find out how you can be part of it.
Average salary in fintech sector is over $60,000
What could I learn during a fintech internship?
Fast-growing areas of fintech
Marketing strategies for fintech
How to navigate a regulated industry
Business model analysis for fintech startups
What key skills do I need for a fintech internship?
Analytical skills
Problem-solving skills
Attention to detail
“For the past four weeks I’ve been working for a fintech start-up.
I’ve been doing everything from data analysis and front end web development which was really cool because I’ve been learning to code this year so I got to practice and develop that further.
I’ve also learned a bit of UX design which I’d never done before and always wanted to do which was really great.”
Luke Kock, PPE, Warwick University, UK