
How I landed my dream job while traveling the world

When recent Western University graduate Amelia applied for our Bali Start Me Up Internship Program, she told us she loved books. So we found her an internship with a book publishing startup.

She was hired after her four-week internship and she’s since traveled and worked as a digital nomad in Indonesia, Australia, Thailand, and Cambodia.

“Start Me Up has expanded my view of how new ways of working are reshaping workplace norms.”

Watch Amelia’s story here. 

“You realize there are a lot of other options out there beyond the traditional workplace”

“I did everything from data analysis to front end web development, which was really cool because I’ve been learning to code this year so I got to practice and develop that further.

I’ve also learned a bit of UX design which I’d never done before and always wanted to do which was really great.

This experience really helped me as well because I was at a stage in my life where I wasn’t entirely sure what I was going to be career-wise.”

Watch Luke’s story here. 

“An incredible experience”

“I always felt that working internationally was interesting, but I didn’t know how it worked exactly, but there have been some real upsides.”

Pooja wanted to get practical experience designing batteries for electric vehicles using AutoCAD (computer aided design software).

So we found her an internship with an electric motorbike company and a mentor in CAD.

“I learned how to use AutoCad software and it was really cool that Start Me Up gave me the opportunity to work with a mentor to develop that skill.”    

Watch Pooja’s story here. 

“Incredible experience

Isabella Ippolito spent two months on Start Me Up’s Bali Internship Program.

During that time she got the chance to build her freelance portfolio and work on projects for Penguin Random House and on a viral campaign that was featured by the BBC – all while working from a co-working space by the beach.

After the program she was hired by the company she’d been interning with and was flown to the Kennedy Space Station in Florida to help with an art installation celebrating 50 years since the first man on the moon.

 Read Isabella’s story here. 

“No matter what age, there will be something for you.”

‘Tomi Ogundayo is from New York City but she now lives between Barcelona and Singapore.

She was teaching English in Barcelona when she applied for our Start Me Up program but wanted to explore the world of tech. She spent one month in interning for a blockchain startup in Bali.

After her internship, she was invited to represent her startup at the United Nations World Investment Forum on Blockchain For Sustainability/Social Impact in Geneva.

 Read Tomi’s story here. 

“I don’t think there are other internships that offer something like this.”

My project involved data visualization with a startup neuroscience company focusing on brain wellness.

I learned how to use Cinema4D, which is an animation software where you can make 3D graphics. I’ve been using that to make 3D brain graphics. I’ve also been using Tableau, which I’ve been using to make charts and dashboards.

This internship changed the way I looked at work. To future applicants: do it. 

Watch Rachel’s story here.

“I wanted to make sure that I was getting a full flavor of what’s out there and I think this program does a great job with that.

“I was paired with a data visualization expert who is working with Tableau, which is data visualization software.

My mentor’s from the US originally where he was a consultant working in data visualisation and building an online course platform. So we’ve been taking his business from ideas in his head to online courses, to building up a website and writing blog articles.

“Since I’ve been here I’ve been picking up skills in this area which are super interesting to me, as I want to work with data in the future.”  

Watch Lori’s story here. 

“The best way to discover what you really want from life

Start Me Up was an experience I will never forget.

Coming from a business background, there is always the same path you are supposed to follow.

Start Me Up allowed me to go off the beaten track and explore different career paths that I did not know existed.

In two months I learned more than a full term in University and I will definitely recommend this to people who are not sure of what they want for their future as you can explore so many industries with Start Me Up.

Watch Juan’s story here. 


“The highlight of my Start Me Up internship is definitely the opportunity to get connected with startups all over the world.”

I’ve learned more about how to develop hypotheses and validate them in the context of startups, how to undertake market research and mobilize online communities like Reddit to get feedback from different target markets.

I’ve also been involved in market analysis, exploring and different business models, revenue models, designing landing pages, and building some structure for the startup from the ground up. And I’ve attended workshops on everything from data analytics and visualization to UX and SEO.

Read about Juan’s story here.